30 C
Ho Chi Minh City
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Công viên khoa học

Science Park as the Central Part of a Start-up Ecosystem: A System Thinking Perspective...

Link: http://tckhtm.tmu.edu.vn/uploads/tckhtm/news/2020_05/141b7.pdf This paper will analyze the roles of science parks in the new economy and suggest managerial implications for Ho Chi Minh City from a...

Governments as Buyers: A Breakthough in Supporting Startup Ecosystem

http://ktpt.neu.edu.vn/tap-chi/so-266/muc-luc-547/chinh-phu-tro-thanh-khach-hang-cua-startup-buoc-dot-pha-ho-tro-he-sinh-thai-khoi-nghiep-sang-tao.379141.aspx   Governments as Buyers: A Breakthough in Supporting Startup Ecosystem Abstract Governments over the world are promoting startups as a mean to develop national economies and encouraging...
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